Tuesday, June 30, 2009


What is Political Engineering?

Politics is basically the settling of inevitable differences of opinion in society in a civilized way through representation of the people, at least in a Democracy or other form of representative government.

Political engineering deals with how you organize the representation of the people. What kind of government, parliamentary system or Presidential Republic, elected directly or trapped, the interval between elections, who gets what power. Political engineering concerns the mechanics of a political system, the democratic setup of a society. Apart from that it can also concern the development of a political party. It has nothing to do with specific leaders or their intelligence, the concept comes way before that part begins.

Political engineering is a concept in political science that deals with the designing of political institutions in a society. The criteria and constraints used in such design vary depending on the optimization methods used. Usually democratic political systems have not been deemed suitable as subjects of political engineering methods.

Political engineering, using suboptimal methods or criteria, can sometimes yield disastrous results as in the case of attempting to engineer a previously democratic country's political landscape by such methods as, for example, a coup d'état. The Greek military junta of 1967-1974 used political engineering utilizing a coup d'état to dissolve the democratic system of Greece with catastrophic results.

Political engineering can also be employed to design alternative voting procedures in a democratic system. In the social arena the counterpart of political engineering is social engineering.

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